Sunday 30 October 2016

The Mount of Olives

On the Mount of Olives

I looked and saw a hillside paved in gravestones:

Looking from the Mount of Olives.

Oh people, Oh dwellers in this Holy Land,
What have you done to the Mount of Olives?
Oh you people.
You have rooted out that growing green which was life,
which gave sustenance to life.
You have laid bare here the slopes of this mount of deep meaning.
Oh people.
You have sacrificed the living for the dead.
That which encouraged life, lived life,
 now lies useless, lifeless,
suppressed by the stones of the dead.
People, Oh you people.
Let the soil bring forth.
Do not hinder it.
Let the earth join in the joy of creation.
Do not deny it.
Oh people
Let the Mount live its life.
Do not deny it!
Join with it and sing with it.
Learn once again to rejoice in it.

Looking towards the Mount of Olives.

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